I have been using PS+ version 2 for quite some time now and I absolutely love it. IMHO it is hands down the best PS text editor and console application for PS. It has an excellent debugger, Intellisense code completion, variable previewer, and other visual options to fit pretty much anyones needs or wants. But PS+ isn't just for PS files although that is it's main function. PS+ also has language support for XML, HTML, C#, VB.Net, Vbscript, and the newly PowerShell V2 PowerShell Modules.
Several improvement have been included in the V3 release such as support for VBscript and Windows 64bit versions (If your going to run PS+ on a 64bit machine vbscript support will not be available as the PS+ dependancy only works with a 32bit dll "tlbinf32.dll"). You can now download and upload scripts directly from Powershell.com or Poshcode.org using the editor. Very cool! The most in your face upgrade the new Intellisense Help window.
Here you can see without using Get-help the data type for the given parameter and whether it is an optional parameter, a switch parameter (indicated by the 'S' or number of the left of parameter name). What I like the most about this is it gives you the same info for that given parameter that you would receive from Get-help, saving you tons of time in the long run. In addition you can click on the bottom available links in the help windows to either do a google search on your cmdlet or paramater or if available visit MSDN directly.
Great work Tobias and the rest of the people at Idera.
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